walk the wall


Remove your shoes and socks (this is important) and find an open wall space. Stand next to your child approximately an arm's width apart with your backs against the wall. Fold forward and place your hands on the floor at shoulders' width. Press your palms into the floor with your fingers spread wide apart. Begin to walk your feet backwards up the wall until you are doing a handstand, but using the wall for support. Take 2-5 deep inhales and exhales and then slowly walk back down the wall and return to standing position. Do this as many times as comfortable. The more often you do this the longer you will able to stay in the handstand position. Please note that this is a challenging pose, so be cautious. Do not attempt any inversions if you have high blood pressure.

This is an excellent way to build upper body strength and confidence.

Article originally appeared on fulgenzi mama (http://fulgenzimama.squarespace.com/).
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