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    hidden letter art

    Write a letter of the alphabet on a whiteboard or on a large piece of paper. Ask your child to make art out of that letter. For more of a challenge, ask your child to create an image out of the letter that begins with that letter or that has the letter in it. Reverse roles. Repeat the process. Have fun!


    make believe

    Go on an adventure with your child. Fly to the moon, be pirates seeking treasure, or have a special tea party. It is so much fun to lose reality for awhile and to have some imaginative play!


    foot, hands, thumb and fingers shirt

    You will need non-toxic fabric paint, a paintbrush, a  pre-washed cotton shirt, and the foot, hands, thumbs, and fingers of your little one!

    A washable, tiled floor is a great work area.

    Have your child pick a color for the trunk of a tree. The sole of your child's foot will serve as the trunk, so paint it accordingly, and, with your help, have your child press his or her foot onto the shirt. When you do this, be sure to have the toes facing down, as they'll serve as the tree's roots.

    Next, paint the inside of your little one's hands whatever color is decided, and have them press their hands, fingers spread out wide, on either side of the top of the tree. (If you want a fuller tree you can do this again.)

    Pinkie fingers are great for blades of grass and flower stems. Tips of index fingers are great for flower petals. Thumbs are great for tree fruits. Be creative. Add sun, sky, birds, clouds, etc.



    have fun with numbers

    With your child, count by ones to 100. Then count by twos, fives, tens, and twenties to 100. Can you count backward from 100 to one? What is 1+1? What is 2+2? 3+3? And so on. Make up some silly number songs to assist you. Be creative!


    be an engineer

    Find an old carboard box (or several of them) and have your child think about what he or she wants to create, whether it be a car, a plane, or a rocket ship. Be creative. Add color. Think outside the box. Have fun.


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