spring brings new life
Visit a local farm with your child. Take note of all the new life on the farm. If the farm allows, let your child hold a newborn animal. This will be a wonderful experience for your little one.
Visit a local farm with your child. Take note of all the new life on the farm. If the farm allows, let your child hold a newborn animal. This will be a wonderful experience for your little one.
Take a walk with your child around your neighborhood or through a local park and savor the colors of spring.
Venture outside with your child. Comb your surroundings and find some signs of spring. Take pictures, or just enjoy your findings!
With all the rain we've had lately we have lots and lots of mud, and mud is the best place other than snow to find little critter tracks. Take your child to your neighborhood park and search for tracks. Hint: the areas around trees are great places to look!
Track the moon with your child. Follow it nightly for a few days, for a week, or maybe for even a month. Document your findings. Discuss why the moon changes. Could we live on the moon? Are there water and trees on the moon? Have we ever been to the moon?