holiday splendor
Take an evening stroll with your family and enjoy the holiday lights, whether in your neighborhood or your downtown business or shopping district.
Take an evening stroll with your family and enjoy the holiday lights, whether in your neighborhood or your downtown business or shopping district.
Go with your child to your local tree lot or tree farm and obtain some surplus trimmings. You will also need some sort of wire or string and some ribbon or ornaments for decorating. The swag itself could be any kind of shape. Allow your child to be creative embellishing your family’s holiday welcome door swag.
With your child, visit your local park or nature trail and enjoy the dusting of the new fallen snow. See if you can spot squirrels, deer, and any birds that might be scampering about in the cold.
Get out and enjoy the majesty of winter's first snowfall. Make impressions in the snow and let the green grass show through. It makes a beautiful contrast.
Before the ground freezes, get out and purchase a small tree or some flower bulbs with your child for planting. If it's a tree you are planting, be sure you contact MISS DIG or your state's excavation safety and utility damage-prevention company.