western stretch / eastern stretch
Western Stretch: Find an open space. Sit on the floor across from your child with your legs stretched out in front of you. Have the soles of your feet touching the soles of your child's feet. Flex your feet, toes towards the nose. Inhale, and raise your arms up high. Exhale, and fold forward, keeping your spine straight, as far as you can go. Depending on your flexibility, hold your knees, shins, toes, or your child's hands. Stay in the pose for five deep inhales and exhales.
Eastern Stretch: Return to the seated position with your child. Place your hands on the floor on either side of your hips with your fingers pointing toward your toes. Point your toes toward your child's toes. Slide your hands back approximately ten inches (you'll find the comfortable spot). Slowly lift your hips off the floor using your upper body, keeping your legs straight. Try to straighten your body in a line from head to toe, like a slide. Only if it's comfortable, release your head back and gaze behind you. Stay in the pose for five deep inhales and exhales.
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