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    high five

    Have you and your child sit across from one another in a comfortable position. Raise one hand up as if you are high-fiving. But, instead of releasing hands, you will be pressing your right hand against their left hand, making sure your palms and fingers are flush. You will then place your free hands on your lower bellies. With your child, count to five silently, gently tapping his or her fingers in succession as you inhale (start with the thumb and move to the pinkie -- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). On your exhale, count backward from 5 to 1, tapping your child's fingers moving in the opposite direction. Your free hand should feel the breath coming in and going out the belly.

    Do this a couple of times with each hand. This is a wonderful way to connect.


    child's pose

    Find an open space. Kneel on the floor across from your child. Sit on your heels and point your knees outward, bringing your big toes together. Stretch your arms out in front of you and touch your child's hands, bringing your hands, arms, chest, and forehead to the ground. Find a steady breath, breathing into your lower belly through your nose and out through your nose. Hold the pose for as long as is comfortable.

    Enjoy the peace!


    fly high

    Find an open space, and lie on your stomach about arm's width next to or across from your child. Melt the front part of your body against the ground (relax) with your head turned to one side and your arms stretched out in front of you. On an inhale, gaze up, raise your arms and legs off the ground, spread your fingers, and point your toes. Hold the pose for approximately five inhales and exhales. You might want to fly as your favorite fairy or superhero. Then rest back down to the ground, turning your head to the opposite direction. When you are ready, take flight again, maybe this time flying higher, to the left or to the right, again for approximately five inhales and exhales. Rest.

    Do as many times as is comfortable.


    frog's pose

    Find a clear space. Squat down like a frog accross from your child, placing your hands on the floor. Then, hop up and down like a frog, and maybe say "ribbit, ribbit."


    cow / cat

    Find a clear space.

    Place palms on the floor under shoulders, knees on the floor under hips. (This is table pose.)

    On the inhale, tilt your hips up and gaze up. On the exhale, arch your back, round your shoulders, and tuck your chin in.

    Continue for 5-6 inhales and exhales. Encourage your child to moo on the inhale like a cow and purr on the exhale like a cat.