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    forward bend

    Stand next to your child with your feet a hip's width apart. Inhale and raise your arms up. Exhale, and, pivoting at the hips, reach your hands toward the ground with your eyes gazing at your knees. If you can't reach your toes, touch your shins. Hold for a couple of deep inhales and exhales. Slowly come back up to standing position. If everyone is okay with this, try a few more times. See how much farther you might be able to go!



    tree pose

    Find an open space.

    Stand 6-8 ft. across from your child, facing him or her (more than one child welcome!)

    Make sure your feet are a hip's width apart, and place your hands on your hips.

    Balancing on the left leg, slowly lift up your right foot and place the sole of it just above your left ankle. For those who are more advanced, place the sole of your foot on the inner thigh above the knee of your left leg.

    Hold your hands in a prayer pose at the chest, or hold your arms stretched out wide like branches. Experiment and be the tree you want to be! See how long you can hold the pose.

    Do the same balancing on your right leg.


    butterfly pose

    Find a comfortable space on the floor. Sit across from your child. Bring the soles of your feet together, and slide them in toward your body, as closely as you can comfortably.

    Wrap your palms around your feet. Gently flutter your knees (raise and lower them quickly). 

    Talk with your child about what it would be like to be a butterfly, and discuss how butterflies come into existence (metamorphosis).


    reclining twist, holding hands

    Find an open space in your house. If you have yoga mats, great. If not, a towel on a wood or carpeted floor would work fine.

    Lie down on the floor next to each other with your arms wide open, like a "T."

    Holding hands (you can have one child on either side of you), inhale, and bring your knees up to your chest, then exhale, lowering your knees to your right and gaze over your left shoulder.

    Breathe deeply into your belly and out of your belly, and hold the posture for 10 breaths.

    Bring your knees up to your chest (neutral), then exhale, lowering your knees to your left and gaze over your right shoulder.

    Breathe deeply into your belly and out of your belly, and hold the posture for 10 breaths.

    Bring your knees up to your chest (neutral), then lower your legs and stretch.

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